bwmar2017 - page 12

- March 2017
Paddock Bowl
February 16
to February 28
Games 50 or More and Series 100 or More
Pins Over Average
Junior/Adult League:
Gail Smith-256 and Isabella
Happy Timers:
John Don Konics-728 and 258,
Stephen Melin-256, Rick Villaluz-215, Fred Ford-279
and 257, Ben Cruz-205, Joseph Miranda-234, Joe So-
daro-223, and Robert Roberts-257.
Tri-City Scratch:
Gail Smith-254, Jessica Ennis-
248/557, Darren Perry-245-245/708, Charlie Poston-
267 and 277, George Petrich-259, Adam Carlson-234,
Gary Miles-279, Jon Giron-256, Erik Cizmich-272, Iris
Lucky-256, Evelyn Porte-620, Dre Griffin-258, Jasmine
Kania-244, Keith Pridgeon-278/769, Brian Azevedo-
247, and Ray Lucas-258.
Pin Spinners:
Darold McCardle-708, Gail Smith-242,
and Hennie Van der Meulin-231.
Bowlers A-Go-Go:
Jim Kelly-263/725, Laurie Koch-
214/692, Dan Sinacori-258/300, Hector Molina-234,
Helen Knowles-555, Al Davis-236, Don Santos-209.
Wednesday 5 Star:
Jon Carr-225/604, Anna Boat-
wright-224, Marvin Moss-232,
Wednesday Trio:
Kelly Rogers-Amos-201/558, Rich-
ard Valladao-213, Jen Porter-187/487, Bryan Wong-
Thursday Mixed 5’s:
Tim Saephanh-222/593, Roy
Palmer-221, Jim Quinn-191,
Jerome Martinez 299, Robbie Pense 256/705, Ben
Cruz-203, Rich Cabida 213, Adam Katz 237, Andrew
Miller 211/593, John Santa Catalina 244, Tom Morrow
278/718, Danny Myers 269, Jack Bledsoe-214, Billy
Paddock Seniors:
John Dorsett-279, Vic Henricksen
Jr-280/741, Sharon Tom-225, and Debbie Oxley-233.
Friday Night Early 5’s:
Erik Cizmich-278, Jeff Nelson-
246, Chris Larsen-286, Gene Blake-202, Mike Kyle-
216/572, Ashlee Greenlee-178/396, Jordan Hibbs-168
Saturday Juniors:
Eric Holiday-170
Junior Match Play:
Ron Atz-238, Jacob Richardson-
194/531, Brandon E.-228.
March 1
to March 15th
Games 50 or More and Series 100 or
More Pins Over Average
Junior/Adult League:
Brandon Muraoka-269/762 and
Jack Campbell-185.
Happy Timers:
Tim Patterson-279/659, Justin Cole-
man-234, Fred Ford-265, Danny Sinacori-258 and 254,
Joe Sodaro-224, Stephen Melin-241 and 247, Donald
Johns-218, and James Thorpe-222.
Mixed Nuts: Chelsie Mesa-209 and Nick Andrews-
Tri-City Scratch:
Gary Miles-268-265 and 279, Steve
Halverson-278/667 and 239, John Dorsett-300, Bill
Cooper-300, Gail Smith-242, Andrew Miller-245, Brent
Hammond-298, Gina Moura-269, Dre Griffin-237,
Tanya Hovis-234/647, Dan Sinacori-278/738, Dan
Willard-280, Gina Moura-267, Andrew Miller-247, Bry-
ant Leong-278-269/754, Dan Linzmeier-276, Dale
Duran-672, Josh VanderMeulen-279, Bubba Shaull-
278, and Jon Giron-251.
Pin Spinners:
Lynn O’Callaghan-201.
Bowlers A-Go-Go:
CeCe Brouwer-255/667, Jim Kelly-
248, Debra Becken-233, Denise Farrell-162, Gery Koch
-265 and 255, Juliet Kelly-234, Laurie Koch-212, and
Alan Pellegrini-773.
Wednesday 5 Stars:
Burt Barham-242, John Cheney-
211, Roxanne Coppock-222, George Brown-246/632,
Donald Williams Jr-246, Donald Williams Sr-246, Larry
De La Torre-188, and Josh Swanson-244.
Wednesday Trio:
Jorie Wright-190/511, Kyle Gibbs-
178, Deryl Caviness-233/651, Mike Persons-277, Chris
Yen-223, and Michael Hendry-237.
Thursday Mixed 5’s:
Tom Morrow-255-257/737, Kip
Hartnett-279-278/771 and 279, Matt Sage-235, Roy
Palmer-234 and 204, Drew Miller-243-240/667, Brent
Hammond-246/716 and 279, Brian Hammond-265,
Mary Anne Hammond-187/503, Adrienne Zimmer-221,
John Santa Catalina-253, Debbie Facer-245/659,
Paddock Seniors:
Brian Frank-258, Lee Campbell-
198, Bill Bothe-241/679, Vic Heinricksen Jr-269, and
Anne Needham-186.
Friday Night Early 5’s:
Bob Romero-244, Warren
Larson-234, Bryan March-268, Ashlee Greenlee-149,
Jordan Hibbs-177, Kelly Dowling-203, Mike Kyle-
226/573, and Alana Banga-235/567.
Saturday Juniors:
Madison Facer-147 (62 avg).
Gail’s Afternoon 9 Pin No-Tap
Scotch Doubles
February 25th
1st Jacky Luke & John Dorsett $84.00
2nd David Hunt & Don DeRouen $60.00
3rd Farna Sewell & Don Johns - Free Entry
More results see next page.
5915 Pacheco Blvd., Pacheco, CA
(925) 685-7812
Winter Bowling Specials
$2.75 Special
“Red Head Pin Day”
Every Wednesday
Noon to 6:00pm
Win FREE games of Bowling
Celestial Thunder
Fridays 10pm - 1am
Saturdays 10:00pm - 1:00am
Cost: $15 per person
(includes bowling shoes)
Black Lights * Live DJ *
Booming Sound
Monte Carlo
$17.00 Bowling Fee
Bowling For Dollars
Second Saturday Night at 7PM
Gail’s Jr Adult 8 Pin No-Tap
Scotch Doubles &
Gail’s 8 Pin No Tap Scotch
Doubles - Mar 25, 2017
Fred Ford 279
Gary Miles 279
Josh Bergamini 289
Jerome Martinez 299
Dan Sinacori 300
Charlie Poston 700
Ray Lucas 703
Robbie Pense 705
Darold McCardle 708
Darren Perry 708
Bill Cooper 709
Tom Morrow 718
John Dorsett 279/721
Jim Kelly 725
Oliver Thomas 725
John Don Konics 728
Alan Pellegraini 730
Greg Taff 730
Chris Larsen 286/734
Vic Henricksen Jr 280/741
Erik Cizmich 725,751
Keith Pridgeon 769
Josh VanderMeulen 279
Tim Patterson 279
Gary Miles 279
Dan Willard 280
Dave Harrison 704
Gina Moura 705
John Dorsett 300, 710
Gary Miles 716
Brent Hammond
Bill Cooper 300/721
Erik Cizmich 709,726
Tom Morrow 737
Mike Persons 737
Danny Sinacori 713,738
Charles Poston 744
Bryant Leong 754
Brandon Muraoka 762
Kip Hartnett 279,279/771
Alan Pelegrini 773
Gail’s “9” Pin No-Tap Scotch Doubles
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,...36
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