bwmar2017 - page 26

- March 2017
12 Brunswick Lanes with Quibica Scoring
12 Bumper lanes / Birthday Parties
Deli & Grill Serving Assorted Beers & Wines
Completely Remodeled
Sunday thru Thursday • 9am till 12am
Friday and Saturday • 9am till 2am
Tel: (415) 561-2695 Fax: (415) 561-2698
Terry Leong—Proprietor
Darrell Herbert - General
Corner of Moraga & Montgomery Streets
In the Presidio National Park of
San Francisco
(Still can’t find us, call us, we’ll fax you a map)
Club Atmosphere
with lights, music videos and enhance
Thursday 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Friday 6:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M.
Saturday 6:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M
750 Folsom St., San Francisco 94107
by Bob Korth
. I am in the middle of a terrible slump. Do you have any preferred slump bust-
There are several things you can do to bust a slump. First you have to re-
member you haven't forgot how to bowl. What happens in a slump is you have
lost confidence in your game and many times it is just mental. When you lose
confidence the you begin to press. You begin to try and figure out what you are
doing wrong.
You start trying to place the ball instead of roll it. You begin to squeeze the ball
and the arm-swing get's very tight. I myself have just been going through a
month long slump myself. I am beginning to come out of it now. Here is what I
have been doing to break this slump. I went to practice and all I tried to do was
loosen up my arm-swing. I worked on relaxing my hand, use a softer grip. Then
just relax the shoulders and visualize the ball just hanging like it was on the end
of a string. Keep my arm as loose as I could and just let the ball roll off my hand
at release.
Do not care at first where the ball goes just look for the feel of a very easy and
relaxed swing. This is the most difficult thing to do when you are trying to score
and your confidence is down. Do this for a couple of practice sessions before
you put pressure back on yourself to score. You have to build trust in your
swing again and start to have some fun again. Then while still in practice try
shooting for score but be aware of staying with the relaxed arm-swing and you
will see that you will begin to score again and best of all it will become fun
Q. How many different spare combinations are there in bowling?
Now I did not figure this out on my own but I looked it up and what I found
was there are 1,023 different spare combinations. Many of these are very un-
usual combinations but it does show you
the value of a sound spare shooting
system. Also the value of practicing spares during your practice sessions. A
twist on bowling for practice is to play low-ball. Try to knock down the least
amount of pins you can. To play low-ball you shoot for the seven or the ten pin
on the first ball. If you miss and go in the gutter on the first ball that is a strike for
that frame. You must hit at least one pin on each ball, so on your 2
ball if you
go in the gutter or don't hit a pin that is a spare. After both balls if you leave five
pins standing then your count is five. A perfect game is 20. Good luck on doing
that. This is a great game for working on spares and is a nice variation on just
throwing shots with no purpose in practice. It keeps spare practice interesting.
Q. I am getting a new ball and I have been having problems with hanging up in
the thumb at release. What thumb pitch is best?
Thumb pitches in a bowling ball are like finger prints. They are different for
everyone. Someone with a short span or very flexible fingers can use a zero or
even plus pitch in the thumb. Conversely someone with a long span or very stiff
fingers will require varying amounts of reverse pitch in the thumb hole. So the
answer is I don't know but your local pro shop operator will know so place your
trust in her/him. They should watch you bowl, check your hand and decide the
best thumb
pitch for you.
To ask Bob a question send an email to
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