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Proper Care: Bowling Shoes
March 10, 2022
Like any pair of shoes, your bowling shoes will see normal wear and tear throughout the year. Avid bowlers may go through multiple pairs of...
Bowling World Admin
Hook Variables: Part 3 | The Ball Driller
September 15, 2020
In the previous two articles we examined the variables that determine how much a bowling ball hooks, that are controlled by the bowler, and the...
Jeff McCorvey
Hook Variables: Part 2 | Bowling Ball Characteristics
September 8, 2020
In this article, we will take a look at the bowling ball variables. You know, all that mumbo jumbo that ball companies post on their...
Hook Variables: Part 1 | Forces Controlled by the Bowler
September 1, 2020
So, you want to buy a hook ball. Start saving your money. But not for the most expensive ball on the market, but instead for...
Ball Speed: Measuring and Optimizing Your Bowling Ball's Speed
August 15, 2020
Restoring your ball speed to a consistent standard is an important part of repeating shots. It’s nearly impossible to hit the same mark on the...
Ricky LaBlue
Get a Grip: Examining Your Bowling Ball for a Comfortable Fit
August 2, 2020
Most bowling instructors agree you can’t out coach a bad fit. The 3 holes drilled in your bowling ball represent the handle, which allows you...
Bowling 101: How to Tape Your Thumbhole
July 28, 2020
The more you bowl, the more you’ll start to see the benefits of tape and how you can use it to help your game. Tape...
Physically Prepare for Your Return to Bowling
July 10, 2020
Here in the states, many bowling centers have opened back up and bowlers are hitting the lanes after a four-month-long hiatus from the sport. Virginia’s...
Maintain Your Bowling Ball's Life and Performance
July 8, 2020
Your bowling ball’s life and performance can be increased or decreased based on how you are maintaining it. Get the most out of your equipment...
Preparing for Bowling's Return [COVID-19]
May 20, 2020
Sooner or later, the nationwide shutdown to slow the COVID-19 pandemic will recede and life will begin to get back to normal. When that does,...