The game has changed and so should we. Stepping back, we realized amateurs and professionals around the world have been clamoring for a heavy-rolling, fast-migrating core akin to one of the most famous of all-time: The Shape-Lock HD Core. This shape can power through just about anything. “HD” is short for high density, which lowers the RG and raises the differential of the weight block. And with SPEC at the helm, expect heavy roll with no shortage of higher scores and more strikes.
- Brand Storm
- Release Date 2019-10-25 00:00:00
- Color Gunmetal / Fire / Crimson
- Coverstock Name SPEC Solid Reactive
- Coverstock Type Reactive Resin,Solid
- Factory Finish 2000 Abralon
- Core Name Shape-Lock
- Core Name Shape-Lock
- Core RG 2.48
- Differential .052
- Mass Bias Diff .020
- Flare Potential High